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Audience Development and Engagement

Brand and Content Strategy

Consumer and Market Research

Copywriting and Copy Editing

Data-Driven Decision Making

Internal and External Communications

Project and Campaign Management

Written, Verbal, and Interpersonal Communications


Crisis Communications

Event Planning

Media Outreach and Training

Press Releases

Public Speaking and Media Spokesperson

Social Media Marketing, Trends, and Analytics

Speech Writing


Clinical Psychology, Body Image and Eating Disorders 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

Evidence-Based Trainings (i.e., Train-the-Trainer)

(Social) Media Literacy

Mental Health, Wellness and Wellbeing

Nonprofit Leadership

Strategic Thinking, Planning, and Execution

Youth and Women Empowerment 


Emotional Intelligence


Motivational Interviewing


Program Development

Relationship Management

Strategic Partnerships


National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)

New York, NY (Remote) | August 2014 - March 2022

Largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders.

Associate Director of Communications

  • Headed the communications department, collaborated with cross-functional teams and supervised staff working on social media, SEO, graphic design, video production, and miscellaneous marketing materials.

  • Managed and stewarded creative and media partner relationships; served as the primary spokesperson and content expert in 50+ publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, NBC, CBS, People Magazine, and USA TODAY.

  • ​Ideated and executed high-impact communications, digital marketing strategies, and national awareness campaigns (e.g., National Eating Disorders Awareness Week).

    • ​Envisioned and launched two new high-impact campaigns in 2021: Body Acceptance Week and #NEDAPride.

    • Amplified diverse voices and empowered marginalized communities through media, PR, and creative storytelling.

    • Incorporated external social impact campaigns and partner initiatives into the annual communications plan.

  • Designated point-of-contact and advised Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and NBCUniversal Group on eating disorders, body image, mental health, and wellbeing content and safety policies.

    • Consulted on the Hulu series, The Girl from Plainville (2022), about teen suicide and eating disorders.

    • Represented NEDA in a series of six closed-door expert feedback sessions with Meta (Facebook and Instagram).

    • Developed in-app resources on body image, eating disorders, and wellness for Instagram and TikTok.

    • Counseled Pinterest on updating ad policies (July 2021) prohibiting all ads with weight-loss language and imagery resulting in a 20% decrease in “weight loss” searches.

Communications Manager
Senior Communications Associate

  • Promoted within a year for exceeding goals and advancing organization impact and brand integrity.

  • Established brand voice to increase the visibility of the organization's mission, vision, and core values; programs and support services; public policy and fundraising initiatives; and strategic direction to internal and external stakeholders.

  • Crafted and implemented a holistic and top-performing social media strategy; engaged and grew digital audience by 150,000+ social media followers.

    • Spearheaded and executed 50+ NEDA Connections (Facebook Live) webinars providing daily support and information on eating disorders and mental health challenges throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Managed the NEDA website, editorial calendar, blog, email marketing, and social media channels.

  • Served as a liaison between the organization and respective partners, vendors, consultants, and PR firm.

Senior Program Associate & Body Project Master Trainer

  • Coordinated, implemented, and evaluated body acceptance, eating disorders prevention, workplace wellness, and youth-based initiatives.

  • Trained more than 350 women from 33 states and five countries as Body Project program trainers and facilitators.

    • Fostered an online community of program participants through social media groups and website forums.

  • ​Spearheaded grant-funded content and awareness events on eating disorders, media literacy, and weight stigma.

Program Associate

  • Expanded resources and supervised 100+ volunteers on the National Eating Disorders Helpline.

  • Fielded crisis calls and click-to-chat messages involving medical emergencies, suicidality, and self-injury.

  • Supported internal programs, services, signature events (e.g., NEDACon), workshops, presentations, and activations.

Body Project Consultant

  • Coordinated pilot implementation of the Body Project, a body acceptance and self-esteem workshop for women and girls. 

    • Oversaw research and grant requirements, facilitator trainings, workshop delivery, and program evaluations. 

    • Identified, secured, and trained staff from 20+ underserved schools and community based organizations (CBO) in NYC.

    • Modified curriculum to incorporate feedback from diverse populations prior to disseminating on a national scale.

  • ​Appointed NEDA’s primary Master Trainer to train program trainers (train-the-trainer model) and volunteer facilitators.

Interim Youth Outreach Coordinator

  • Created content and digital programming to provide education and community for teens and young adults via social media, youth-centered microsites, blog posts, and forums.

  • Assisted the program manager in integrating youth outreach strategy into the organization's core programming.


National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)

Helpline Consultant

  • Helpline operator for phone calls, emails, and click-to-chat (instant messaging) inquiries.

  • Assisted with helpline supervision and debriefed volunteers/ interns who experienced challenging or triggering conversations.

University of Florida, Attitudes and Social Cognition Lab

Independent Study

  • Designed and implemented an undergraduate honors thesis testing the relationship between implicit (via the Implicit Associations Test; IAT) and explicit body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in college women.

  • Exemplary completion and defense of the thesis resulted in graduating with highest honors: summa cum laude.

New Model for Love

Research Intern

  • LovEd (formerly Driver's Ed for Love) is a relationship education organization that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to choose wisely in love via events and workshops.

  • Prepared, managed, and recruited for workshops and events

  • Principal Investigator for the research study, Learning about me: The impact of relationship education on the emotional competence of college students

    • Completed the IRB application, designed a coding chart, recruited participants, administered WELS (emotional competence) questionnaire, prepared for workshop events.

UF Health Eating Disorder Recovery Center

Clinical Intern

  • Mediated educational and recreational leisure groups with eating disorders patients at an inpatient facility.

  • Occasional tasks included clerical duties, assisting in psychological screening of patients, and observing and/or co-facilitating therapy groups.

  • Graded the extra credit assignments for MEL4600: Diseases of Eating; an undergraduate course offered through the College of Medicine – Department of Psychiatry.

University of South Florida, Body Image Research Group

Research Assistant

  • Collected and entered data; administered baseline surveys, control group activities, and follow-up surveys.

  • Attended weekly meetings discussing the progress and upcoming tasks for the lab, as well as new advancements in the eating disorders field.


Columbia University, Teachers College

Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology

Concentration: Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytical Perspectives​

GPA: 3.96

IP: Psychodynamically-informed etiology of eating disorders and new treatment models of cooperative mother-daughter healing

University of Florida

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Minor: Mass Communications

summa cum laude, GPA: 3.83

Honors Thesis: The Relationship between Implicit and Explicit Body Satisfaction and Eating Behavior in Collegiate Women


Dress for Success Palm Beaches

Road to Success Mentor

  • Provide Road to Success participants (“mentees”) with ongoing weekly support during their job search.

  • Increase self-esteem and confidence of mentees by assessing their values and behaviors.

  • Support mentees in creating their personal brand and marketing strategy.

Chamber of Commerce of the Palm Beaches

Young Professionals of the Palm Beaches (YPOP)


© 2023 Chelsea Kronengold


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